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7 Guiding Principles for Conversion Driven Landing Pages

Landing pages are an integral part of any successful digital campaign. They are standalone pages—apart from your website—that have a single-focused objective that guides toward a conversion goal (make a purchase, sign up for special deals/content). There are two types of landing pages—click through landing pages, which have the goal of persuading a customer to click through to another page, and lead generation landing pages, which are used to capture user data (names, emails, etc.)

Oftentimes, we see digital campaigns that drive customers directly to a shopping cart to make a purchase. Don’t do that. This leads to poor conversions because a customer typically does not have enough information at this point to make a purchase decision. This is where landing pages come into play, giving customers enough additional information to take the next step in the purchase process.

Below you can find 7 guiding principles for creating effective, conversion driven landing pages.

  1. The customer perspective. We know you’ve got a lot to say about your golf product, but think about content and design from your customers’ perspective. Does what you’re saying make sense to them at that specific point in the consumer purchase process?

  2. Keep it simple. Content should be simple and concise--think 300 words maximum—and provide a clear and uncomplicated next step in the process.

  3. Cohesive design. All elements on your landing page—font, colors, buttons, etc.—should work together to provide a cohesive experience for your golf customers.

  4. Singular call to action. What is the ratio of interactive elements (watch this video, sign up for blog, read this, etc.) to your intended conversion goal on your landing pages? Be clear about the main action you want your golf customers to take, and limit other interactive drivers.

  5. Conversion coupling. Is the content in your email or social campaign that drove your customers to your landing page similar in its look, feel, and messaging? Keep all elements of your campaign consistent.

  6. Credibility is key. Build trust with your golf customers by including trust signals on your landing page—these can be in the form of testimonials from other customers and authentic images or video.

  7. Keep the conversation (and conversion) going. Encourage additional conversions through thank you emails, signups for special content, or engagement steps throughout the purchase process that encourage additional calls to action to guide your golf customers.

Ready to build your next digital campaign? We can help. Explore our work here.



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