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How Golf Courses can Leverage Pokémon GO

Your Golf Customers--Gotta Catch ‘em All

Since its release on July 6, Pokémon GO (you can watch the video here) has exploded in popularity, beating out all other apps to become #1 in the App Store, with an estimated 210 million daily active users in the US alone, and generating an estimated $14.04 million in revenue to date, according to SuperData Research.

You’re probably thinking, 1) what the heck is a Pokémon, and 2) what does it have to do with my golf business?

Simply put, your customers are playing it. Meet them where they are. Pokémon GO is a mobile game that can provide an opportunity to engage and interact with your customers and prospective customers and promote your golf business in a fun and inexpensive way.

What is Pokémon GO?

Pokémon GO, a free augmented reality game available for download on Android and Apple devices, is all about exploring the real world. The game drives players to physically get out and explore, visiting different points of interest to collect items and run into Pokémon (different species of virtual pets) along the way. Throughout this journey, players are driven to PokéStops or Gyms, which are locations within the game that correspond to real-life landmarks throughout the world—from historical markers down to the streets of your city (and maybe even your golf business).

Your golf business can leverage the game

  • Is your business a PokéStop? The game has predetermined geotagged locations called PokéStop’s or Gyms—are you one of them? If you are lucky enough to be a tagged location, promote it! Let users know they can find it at your golf store or course, and that you’re open and willing to Pokémon play. (Google maps now includes and overlay of all PokeStop’s and Gyms. Check it out to see if you are and what’s close to you!)

  • Pokémon nearby? Let players know! Pokémon GO allows you to take pictures of the Pokémon in their actual physical location. Share these via social media and encourage players to come check them out (and your golf business, too!)

  • Pokémon Specials: Whether it’s a special for blue or red players, those who have captured the elusive Charizard or Pikachu, or simply Pokémon GO players in general, providing an extra incentive that drives players to your location has proven to be a win.

  • Lure ‘em in: We mean that literally. In the game, individuals or businesses can purchase “lure modules” for as little as $1 for 30 minutes. A “lure” makes more Pokémon appear to nearby players, which, in turn, drives foot traffic to your golf business. Players must physically come to your location to get their rewards—items and points within the game. Your golf business name will appear on the map as the one providing the lure, so customers can thank you for the assist!

  • Charging Station: Playing Pokémon GO is a huge drain on a phone’s battery life—the game must remain open on a player’s screen throughout play. Show that you are a Pokémon-friendly golf business by providing opportunities for players to “charge up”. Just add a few chargers, and not only will they seek you out—they’ll stay and hang around longer, purchasing your golf products.



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