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Mastering Email Marketing for Improved Website Traffic

It’s undeniable, the more inbox’s you reach the more sales you are going to make. Email Marketing is flat out, one of the best ways to generate visibility and sales. The challenge for your business in 2016 is making email marketing work smarter for your business.

Before we jump into a few ways you can improve your email marketing campaigns, let’s discuss the OPT-IN approach. This is a pet peeve of mine; The “Newsletter” – no one wants to read a mind dump of what your business is doing! Instead of sending another newsletter, think of ways to WOW your readers by showing them something they have never seen. You can offer them a rare opportunity or one time offer, just remember to always keep your content moving with information that is easy to read and easier to share. It’s time for your business to think more like a publisher and less like a salesman. If you have a good product the sales will come. Your job is to create content that your target audience finds useful so that you can build trust and keep them closer to your brand.

Email Marketing for Extended Marketing Reach

Email works great for sales but it can also help to strengthen the reach and interaction of other marketing activities. Use your email to connect golfers to your other advertising and marketing efforts. Push email users to broader engagement of all marketing by bringing that information to their inbox. You will find that pushing your other activities (social, search, blog) will lead to stronger following on all sides.

Grow your email list, No, REALLY grow your list.

Want to increase your database? Use promotions, giveaways, locked content, and exclusive deals to be accessed only by email sign up. Once again, Sign Up for Our Newsletter ‘aint gonna cut It’. Growing your email list requires YOU giving up something if you expect them to give up something. Think about your personal involvement with marketing; what offers, information, promotion has prompted you to cough up your email and see how you can work these ideas into your own marketing.

Auto Responders

If you are not using auto responders for your email, you’re being lazy, you’re not really planning on doing anything with that lead you just captured. Marketing works best as a system and if you cannot take your leads down a path that leads to conversion you are wasting your time. Spend a few hours thinking of a series of emails that push your potential customer closer to your expertise and within reach of your products. Plot out what you want to communicate to a subscriber and then fashion 3 to 5 emails that connect with them to keep your brand top of mind. The less “sales” talk, the more opens. Plus, you can’t respond to every sign up so automation helps to keep your leads warm until you have the time to give them some personal attention.

List Segmentation

Remember what I said about being smarter? Here’s a great way to be smart with your leads. Hopefully you have established multiple capture forms on your site that lead to varying offers and content. By keeping theses leads in their original silo you are able to segment your messaging to give subscribers exactly what they’re looking for. This goes a long way in preserving the integrity of your list and getting potential buyers into the correct funnels by pitching them based on their interests and concerns and not necessarily on why you think your product is a fit for them.

Outsourcing Email Marketing

The more new golfers you can reach, the more opportunity you have to increase sales opportunities. Working with a trusted golf email marketing company will allow your company to get in front of more customers. A quality email marketing company should focus on getting your message in front of actual golfers – so it’s not so much about quantity as it is quality. Another key piece to email marketing is within the design, an efficient HTML email should be crafted to reach inbox’s and automatically display your most important information before the customer even sees images of your product.

Email marketing can be very profitable for golf businesses but it must be done right. Our company has helped nearly one hundred business owners create email marketing systems that generate leads daily. Let us know how we can help put email marketing to work for your business. Visit Our Website to Learn More:



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