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Read this before you send your next Email Campaign...

Is your email marketing mobile-friendly?

With more than 100 billion emails sent per day, it goes without saying that email serves as a critical format for marketing and communication. Email open rates continue to surge as trends have shifted toward mobile, with 66 percent of email opens occurring on a smart phone.

We hate to be blunt, but here it is—if your email is not optimized for mobile, (we’re talking more than just the ability to simply open it on a smart phone) no one is reading it.

Whew. That was harder for us to say than it probably was for you to hear.

Now, there may be some slight exaggeration there, but the facts are clear: 80.3 percent of emails that are improperly formatted for mobile end up in the trash. (BlueHornet: (

You’re better than that.

Here at Golf Pulp, we’ve preached (and put into practice) the value of utilizing responsive design for our clients’ golf websites and landing pages. Responsive design provides your golf customers with the ultimate, optimal user experience.

The same principles of responsive design apply when creating effective and impactful email marketing for mobile devices.

Think vertically, visually: With more time spent on mobile devices than desktop, how people view content online and—especially email—has adapted from a horizontal to vertical approach with scrolling content.

Contextual images: Email content should not be image-based; rather, images should be used sparingly and in context as necessary with content.

Concise content: You’ve got about 10 seconds (that’s about the length of time someone spends on an email). Make your copy count. Keep your content short and to the point, bulleted lists keep it simple, and you can always drive your golf customers to your landing page for more information.

Relevant content: Your audience is online. RIGHT NOW. Email marketing is a great opportunity to provide your golf customers with actionable real-time offers on their mobile devices.

What’s your point: You need a clear and to the point call-to-action button on page. Location is everything. According to a study by Litmus and MailChimp, the first link in responsive designed email has a 30 percent higher click rate. (“The Science of Email Clicks: The Impact of Responsive Design & Inbox Testing” (December 2014))

Now what? Speaking of call-to-action, let’s talk about WHERE you’re driving your golfers—website, landing page, shopping cart, etc.—is this page optimized for mobile use?

It WORKS! That same report from BlueHornet we referenced above, (you know, the one that told you your emails were probably going in the trash) also found that consumers are willing to act on mobile email with almost two-thirds (63 percent) saying they would make a purchase as a result of an email on their mobile device.

So let’s get started now with optimizing your email marketing campaigns. We can help. Visit Today!



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